Procurou por: Autoclaves (Esterilizadores a Vapor)
Autoclaves are essential for decontamination and sterilization processes for precise testing. Autoclave sterilization uses elevated temperature and pressure to create steam, which acts as the sterilization agent. Laboratory autoclaves and industrial autoclaves operate at higher sterilizing temperatures creating steam with less than 3% of moisture, which guarantees an ideal sterilization time. The steam sterilizers reintroduce sterility to equipment, reusable instruments, and materials to avoid adulterated results caused by unclean testing components. Higher temperature for a minimal sterilization time kills microorganisms. For sterilization, moist heat in the form of saturated steam under pressure is the most widely used. Working well with solids, liquids, and hollows, the safe steaming machines come in free-standing or benchtop styles. Choose between manually controlled analog autoclaves and electronically controlled models, for fast, dependable processing. Apart from laboratory sterilization autoclaves are widely used to sterilize dental and medical equipment and surgical instruments.
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