
Procurou por: Esterilizadores por ar quente

Hot air sterilizers can be used to achieve a perfect, quick, and accurate process of drying, heating, and sterilization in a variety of industries, including health services. Sterilization is achieved through the forced circulation of dry, hot air subject to a specified temperature and sterilization exposure time. The sterilization process takes place inside a closed pressure chamber fabricated from highly durable stainless steel. Superior construction helps ensure homogenous temperature distribution in the chamber.

Hot air sterilizers can be used to achieve a perfect, quick, and accurate process of drying, heating, and sterilization in a variety of industries, including health services. Sterilization is achieved through the forced circulation of dry, hot air subject to a specified temperature and sterilization exposure time. The sterilization process takes place inside a closed pressure chamber fabricated from highly durable stainless steel. Superior construction helps ensure homogenous temperature distribution in the chamber.

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Fornecedor: MEMMERT
Descrição: This steriliser complies with all relevant standards and regulations for medical products and guarantees reliable programme sequences, irrespective of the load and chamber volume. Especially due to the SetpointWAIT function the validation of this hot air steriliser is possible anytime. The SetpointWAIT function ensures that the programme is only continued when the setpoint temperature has been reached. Precisely maintaining the sterilisation time and thus completely killing off even highly resistant microorganisms is therefore guaranteed at all times, irrespective of the sterilisation load and chamber volume. This feature can also be used with additional, freely positionable Pt100 temperature sensors. In this case, sterilisation only begins when the setpoint temperature has been reached at all measurement points – that is, in the load. For the special application of depyrogenisation, the hot-air steriliser is absolutely ideal. The SF models are equipped with single display.

Fornecedor: MEMMERT
Descrição: These sterilisers comply with all relevant standards and regulations for medical products, and guarantee reliable program sequences, irrespective of the load and chamber volume. With the SetpointWAIT function validation of this hot air steriliser is possible anytime. The SetpointWAIT function ensures that the program only continues when the set point temperature has been reached. Precisely maintaining the sterilisation time and thus completely killing off even highly resistant microorganisms is, therefore, guaranteed at all times, irrespective of the sterilisation load and chamber volume. This feature can also be used with additional, freely positionable PT100 temperature sensors. In this case, sterilisation only begins when the set point temperature has been reached at all measurement points – that is, in the load. For special applications such as depyrogenisation, this hot air steriliser is absolutely ideal. SFplus models are equipped with TwinDISPLAY.

Fornecedor: MEMMERT
Descrição: This steriliser complies with all relevant standards and regulations for medical products and guarantees reliable programme sequences, irrespective of the load and chamber volume. Especially due to the SetpointWAIT function the validation of this hot air steriliser is possible anytime. The SetpointWAIT function ensures that the programme is only continued when the setpoint temperature has been reached. Precisely maintaining the sterilisation time and completely killing off even highly resistant microorganisms is therefore guaranteed at all times, irrespective of the sterilisation load and chamber volume. This feature can also be used with additional, freely positionable PT100 temperature sensors. In this case, sterilisation only begins when the setpoint temperature has been reached at all measurement points – that is, in the load. For the special application of depyrogenisation, the hot-air steriliser is ideal.

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